GB3MX C4FM & FM Multimode Repeater in Workington, Cumbria

This is a multimode repeater. This Repeater is a custom build using a MMDVM Repeater board and 2 x Moto GM340 radios. Both FM and C4FM is connected to the cumbriaCQ network.

  • C4FM / Digital will run over the cumbriaCQ network. This is internet linked to the various systems i have running. (no ctcss Tones are needed for digital. Just transmit in DGID 00
  • FM (analogue) mode of the repeater. Connects to ALLSTAR 61105 and EchoLink GB3MX-R
  • WiresX. The Repeater is permanently connected to cumbriaCQ Wires X Room 89134. This ONLY works on the C4FM Digital Mode ONLY.
  • YSF and Interlinking: In C4FM mode (Digital) the repeater will connect to all of the other various links over YSF. Connected YSF nodes can be seen here. For a list of current or past users of the C4FM network can be found here

Setting up your radios

Yaesu Multimode Radios:
I suggest programming your radio with the Multimode option enabled. This is normally indicated by a RED line under the FM or DN Icon on the radio screen. the – symbol represents multimode is enabled on your radio

None Digital Radios (analogue FM radios)
I strongly recommend setting up your radio on the frequency with the decode and enclose settings enabled so that ONLY the tone of 77hz opens your radio up. If you don’t do this, you will receive the digital noise when the C4FM digital side is in use.
You can achieve this by enabling ctcss of 77hz on both the RX and TX of the radio.

None C4FM / Other Digital Radios
These wont work on Digital direct RF to the repeater. The Repeater is only set to decode C4FM. I do have other digital modes enables but you will need to buy some sort of MMDVM board, Pi Star or Openspot to use this. More info on the website about the other ways to access

NOV Licence Link & Status here

Repeater Keeper Lee Cartwright M0LLC