GB3CU Analogue FM Allstar Repeater Near Maryport, Cumbria.

GB3CU Transmits on 438.3875 with a minus 7.6 mhz split. 77hz Tone

GB3CU Is a home made Repeater based on Allstar / Ham VoIP built by Lee M0LLC. The repeater is internet connected using Allstar and can be found on Allstar Node: 60104. Nodes that are currently connected to GB3CU can be found here:


Operating Instructions

You may use the repeater stand alone for local contacts. You can check to see if any internet nodes are connected by looking at the dashboard here.
All I ask is you dont use it for listening only. If your going to use it & change nodes please TX on it and use it 🙂
If you wish to connect to any other nodes, please check the following info:

  1. Starting Up / Changing nodes: First, press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) or Transmit button on your radio.
  2. Entering Codes: After pressing PTT, use your radio’s keypad to enter specific codes. These codes are used for different functions, like connecting to nodes.
  3. Connecting to a Repeater Example:
    • To connect to the CumbriaCQ GB7CU C4FM / Link Repeater, press PTT, then dial *3 59065. *3 is the command to connect to a node, and 59065 is the node number for this particular repeater.
  4. Finding Node Numbers: You can find a list of node numbers for allstar here
  5. Using the Repeater: Please use the repeater responsibly. Don’t use it just to scan for channels. If you change the node, make sure to communicate through it & remember to disconnect from the node if its not local.
  6. Disconnecting from a Node: To disconnect from the last node you connected to, dial *10. This command will disconnect the last node you dialed.
  7. Disconnect from ALL Nodes: You can see which node is connected by looking here. To disconnect ALL nodes at once, dial *76

Allstsr Node Common Commands & Macros

*3 <Node No> connect to Allstar node

*33 <Node Number> connect to EchoLink node (disabled at this time hoping to add soon)

*73 Disconnect

*76 Disconnect ALL nodes & return to local Repeater mode

*70 what is connected?

*80 play ID

*81 play the time

Short Cuts / Macros

*51 disconnect and move to GB7CU Digital Network & Repeater

*52 disconnect and move to NAWG Hub (North West Allstar Group)

*53 disconnect and move to Freestar

*54 disconnect and move to CQ-UK

*55 disconnect and move to Anglo Scottish Repeater Group

*56 disconnect and move to GB7VH Herts Repeater Group – MATT G7HMV

*57 disconnect and move to FreeStar UK Node 2196

*58 disconnect and move to Hubnet

AFTER YOU HAVE USED THE REPEATER PLEASE SEND a *73 to Disconnect the node you connected to.

Id rather you didn’t use the repeater just to listen to other nodes. Please TX and use the repeater. If you want to listen only, I suggest you buy your own node. 🙂

NOV Licence Link & Status here
Repeater Keeper Lee Cartwright M0LLC