I have setup a YSF Reflector 88889 and its called Not Real Radio. You can add any thing to this to test out. Repeater Gateways or pis all welcome Search for 88889 or ! Not Real Radio URL to Reflector is: https://ysfnrr.cumbriacq.com/nrr/
Category: Cumbria CQ
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CumbriaCQ is now on Peanut
Cumbria CQ is now on the Peanut App for Windows & Android. I have setup and configured a Ambe Server that is needed to encode and decode the audio within the Peanut App. This is currently hosted on a local server. For more info on our peanut install, please visit this page https://cumbriacq.com/peanut
YSF Server Update to pYSFReflector3
I have now implemented a new version of YSF, based on pYSFReflector3. This is now hosted on a VPS in the cloud which gives us better audio low latency and more functions. The new cloud dashboard can now be found here http://xlx.cumbriacq.com/dashboard/main.php PiStar, OpenSpot, DV Mega and so on can connect to this reflector. The […]
Welcome to CumbriaCQ.com
WX Weather Station Added to the Shack (Dec 2022) Broughton Moor Weather Station.
On Christmas Eve my new weather station arrived! It was installed on the same day 🙂 Currently the weather station is uploading / providing a service to the following websites:Weather Underground: Link HereMet Office WOW: Link HereAPRS / CWOP Callsign GW2826: Link Here In addition to the above websites, a live feed dashboard can be […]